Digestive System Support
Digestive system problems aren’t minor issues, as they can lead to all sorts of health issues. In the UK, there are millions of people suffering from all kinds of digestive problems and their symptoms range from being inconvenient to downright debilitating. Digestive system support supplements can help.
How Does an Unhealthy Digestive System Affect Your Overall Health?
The truth of the matter is that the health of your digestive system is crucial for your overall health. The problems in your gut may include high toxicity, poor absorption, improper digestion, and inflammation. The damage to your digestive system can be caused by various toxins present in your food and environment. These include preservatives, food additives, mercury, and mold.
When you suffer from chronic infections, the nervous system of your gut is affected. Stress also has a negative effect. Some drinks, like caffeine drink and alcohol, further stresses the digestive tract. Some drugs (and especially birth control pills for women) can contribute to an unhealthy digestive environment, resulting in the damage of your intestinal barrier.
But the damage doesn’t stop there. From these problems, you are likely to develop a more serious medical condition. And there’s a very long list of possible problems. You have cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and arthritis. You may suffer from eczema, acne, and allergies. Depression and obesity can also result, and again these conditions provide an opening to many other health issues.
Which Supplements Can Help?
To help out your digestive system, there are some steps you can take:
First, you need to learn to deal with stress more effectively. That means exercising regularly and getting enough sleep every day. You should also eliminate as much processed foods as you can from your diet as these aren’t good for your health.
You can also take supplements to help out your gut and these include:
- These are the “good bacteria” in your digestive tract. They offer lots of health benefits and are critical for proper immune system function.
- Digestive enzymes. These are chemicals that help break down the food you consume. You have to replenish these chemicals, because cooked foods drain your enzyme levels and some raw foods can contain enzyme inhibitors. Moreover, your enzyme levels also go down the older you get.
- Digestive bitters. Bitter herbs have long been used to help toughen up the digestive system.
- L-glutamine. This is the amino acid that fuels your digestive cells. They can also help heal your damaged or inflamed digestive tract, such as when you have ulcers or colitis.
- Fiber. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are important for regular bowel movements and for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
Any of these supplements are great for keeping your digestive system in excellent shape. Don’t wait until it’s already too late. Check out the products we have available on this website which are designed specially for improving and maintaining the function of your digestive system.
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
COL-Clear colon cleanser
Sale!£14.60£12.99 Add to basket -
COL-Clear colon detox tablets
Sale!£14.40£12.99 Add to basket -
CONSTIfree colon cleanser detox
£12.50 Add to basket -
Dietary fibre complex tablets
£11.50 Add to basket -
DIGESTIVEaid digestive enzyme supplements
Sale!£15.10£13.99 Add to basket -
InternaCALM probiotic digestive system support
£11.99 Add to basket -
Kids Gut Buddies Probiotic Supplements
Sale!£16.99£13.99 Add to basket -
L-Glutamine powder
£11.99 Add to basket -
Liver and Gallbladder Support Capsules
£13.99 Add to basket -
Multi-Flora ProBiotic supplement tablets
£10.99 Add to basket -
Nat-Lax laxative colon cleanser tablets
Sale!£13.99£12.99 Add to basket -
Oxy-Klenz colon cleanse support capsules
£18.99 Add to basket
Showing 1–12 of 16 results